So here it is, prior to foiling the chrome which will cover the seams between the two colours.

The khaki is a gloss colour but after wet-sanding it with Tamiya 400 through 2000 grit, I liked the dull appearance so much I decided to leave it alone as a fine vinyl roof, rather than continue on to the the usual 12,000 grit polish.

Ignore the little droplets, that's water from washing off the sanding grit. The interior will follow a similar scheme using flat Tamiya paints that are close approximations to the Krylon colours. I'll post as it advances.

Chocolate cake with mocha icing, anyone? Looks scrumptious.
Challenges remaining will be cutting the glass, and getting the stance right. An appropriate grille is still under consideration. Dropping it over the solid rear axle shouldn't a problem but the spindles in the front may need some planning. Maybe a nose up stance, to go with the tilted top chop, will work. Stay tuned. Mmmm meanwhile it's time for dessert.
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