Outside there remain some touchups to be completed, but it's all looking reasonable.
Hey, it's an ambulance. Of course it has a first aid kit. The thing next to it with the yellow hoses is meant to represent an oxygen system.
There is lots of counter space on which to put objects which will quickly become flying shrapnel when the driver is negotiating potholed city streets at speed. Having only been in an ambulance once, I based this on photos of ambulance interiors found in online manufacturer's catalogs, so accuracy is not really a strong point.
I do recall sitting on a bench seat of some kind opposite the tech seats. (I was not the patient.) The step plates on the rear bumper came from an Italeri truck accessory kit that also provided a crane, and more plate will be deployed here and there. The black rectangle on the floor just inside the door is meant to simulate a rubber mat.
The fire extinguisher is by the door, where it belongs, although I am not sure an ambulance tech would be qualified to try and put out a fire. The white stripe around the hole in the roof will be used to glue in some strip which will serve to frame a window once I am completely positive I don't need to put my big mitts in there anymore. Progress is being made. Stay tuned!
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