Sunday, October 6, 2024

Jaguar XJ13: Engine, Part 3

The engine is complete, except for the exhaust manifolds that go on once the transmission and rear suspension is assembled. This represents the first four steps (of 25) in the MFH instruction manual. A whopping 327 grams, and there is a fair bit of metal to come.

The fuel injection alone involved a huge number of bits:

Pump body (4 pieces) and 12 banjo fittings = 16 bits

12 trumpets, butterflies, injectors, throttle bodies, intake tubes = 60 bits

8 bellcrank mechanisms, 2 throttle rod support support legs, 1 return spring, 1 support plate per side = 24 pieces

Throttle cable rotating bit (4 pieces), 3 push/pull links = 7 pieces

Cut-to-length bits: 5 pieces of brass rod, 0.5 mm diameter, and 12 fuel lines = 17 pieces

Total (assuming I haven't missed anything) = 124 pieces

Next up: transmission and rear suspension, starting with test fitting, filing and sanding, drilling sockets and shaping dowels, etc. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jaguar XJ13: Engine Part 2

Fresh off finishing my first Model Factory Hiro 1/12 kit, the Ferrari 156 Sharknose, in December 2020, I tackled assembly of MFH's Jaguar XJ13 engine block and cylinder heads, including the camshaft drives which are now hidden (click here for the post).

After posting, I completed the distributor and wiring, then it got shelved as I realised I was in over my head. Since then, I have completed four additional 1/12 kits, three from MFH (Alfa P2 in July 2022, Auto Union Type C in January 2023, Abarth 1000 in August 2024) and one from Italeri (Alfa Monza in January 2023). So with that added experience under my belt, it's time to tackle it again. 

And the first step was to build up the heat sink for the electronic ignition module, consisting of 17 photoetched bits on a 5.5 mm square platform. 

This required making a little jig out of box-section styrene tube and dredging each successive PE bit in a little pool of slow CA glue. 

Next will be the plumbing for the Lucas fuel injection pump. The wire provided is very stiff and I may need to substitute something a little more forgiving. Stay tuned!