Lovely curves!
Shades of the 3-litre V12 cars in the rear view.
Details of final assembly follow.
Seat belts are courtesy Scale Productions. These PE parts are a challenge as they are harder to cut than others, either because the sprue is the same thickness as the part, or because the metal is harder. Not my favourite PE supplier. I also used small pins and MasterClub MC435047 1.0 mm hex bolt heads to hold down the belts where it shows.
Decals are on and awaiting clear before moving on to the vacuum formed windows. Ugh. This is my least favourite part of multi-media kits. You can take a really nice build and ruin it in the last 2 minutes.
Decals are interesting in that you need to trim them close to the colour; they are not deposited but printed, probably with an ALPS printer or equivalent as you can see the track the printer head left in the white roundels.
The biggest issue, as always, was cutting the vacu-formed windows to exactly the right size. I am getting better at this but the white glue does tend to get all over everything.
Stay tuned! Who knows what's next. I should probably take this opportunity to finish up a couple from the Shelf of Doom. I may even manage a 16th between now and the 31st...
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